
The object has no moral obligations, yet the subject entirely is consumed by them.

Moral obligation becomes moral imperative when we no longer perceive a separation between object and subject, and we are only in the mode of life, of creation. This is true agency.

The State is the collective object in which we divest all power to, because we give the State the prerogative to not be a moral being, as it is the ultimate object.

The intrinsic hypocrisy is that the People carry the moral obligations of the State, yet have given their voices away to the State. The People have very few ways to confess for the sins of the State, and therefore accept misery and subjugation as their justice. The arts are the only form of confession we can give to the Object, to reclaim our voices. The deepest confession is that the Object is not an object. The State is not a state.

The State may kill, torture, enslave, and conduct all sorts of cruelty in order to serve the People, because the People allow Language to supplant their Voice. It hears no cries, because there is no voice, and it only engages in argument as it is of language.

The State is not a state, but only strife. This is the wrestling for the illusion of the objects primacy. It compensates for being a projection of the subject, but further that they are both echos of harmony.

The object attempts to negate the musical relationships it has to all things, found in all subjects, and therefore is not an object. Truth is resonance in a continuum. The object dissolves with affirmation. Love is hard to comprehend because it is affirmation.

Voice is the point of affirmation, which is also the will to affirm.