What is it an eruption of? Of red hot consciousness? I am conscious or unconscious of my body, of my feelings, of my thoughts...
This sensational-magma-substance/experience overwhelms the landscape of ourselves. We are momentarily paralyzed—prone and unable to react, or anticipate anything. The unique human tool of temporal manipulation is lost. The now, which must be equivalent to consciousness, resonates like a smashed gong. Is it not right after an orgasm we become conscious of how empty or full our intentions are?
Why can we have so many of these eruptions, without to seemingly change our landscape? The primordial earth must have been very generative, but we humans may generate nothing but dormancy with our constant eruptions.
Is it the amount or quality of the magma? Is red hot consciousness equivalent to our generative vitality? What creates the force and heat? Intention? Intention being the very mode that an orgasm overwhelms, obliterating everything but the now...
...but now we can explain tension. The eruption of the now is releasing the intention for the now. If the intention is for anything but the now, it is impotent and false. In other words, the conciousness of conciousness is sincere and expansive (empathizing), whereas the conciousness of the unconcious is idolitrous and reductive (numbing).
A bad intention draws towards another time—past or future. A good intention draws towards the now—but how to be here, when we are intending at all? (Goodness and badness being best understood as fullness or partialness). This explains the paradox of instant gratification being a block to the now (conciousness), because it is the ability to more and more rapidly displace the now with the promise of the now (which must slowly drain consciousness).
Good orgasms, with goodness in it’s forceful flaming substance, imbues consciousness in a glorious red hot spray, making the common ground fertile once again—creating a new world. Mind, heart, and pelvis may be one as we may be conscious of all of them at once—Good and God being one O apart, the O of the Orgasm.